- This course has been designed for those mothers who not only want to learn Arabic from scratch but also want to inculcate Arabic into the lives of their children at an early age.
- Children have the gift of rapidly learning new languages and vocabulary in their formative years. Our aim is to encourage mothers to converse with their kids in Arabic at home and hence capitalize on this natural ability.
- We want to enhance communication skills and bonding between mother and child at home.
- Learning Arabic will open the door for studying the Holy Quran for both mother and child.
Course Outline
1) Daily routine vocabulary:
- Days of the week
- Months
- Seasons
- Parts of the body
- Birds and animals
- Basic colours
- Transport
2) Grammar
- Grammatical terms, phrases and sentences
- Interrogatives / question words
- Common and demonstrative nouns
- Prepositions
- Articles and their definitions and usage in the sentences.
- Verb Forms
- Past, present and future tenses
- Make simple basic level sentences.
- Noun forms
- Singular and plural nouns.
- Course duration: 2 HOURS WEEKLY ARABIC LANGUAGE CLASS FOR KIDS & MOTHERS TO BE HELD ROUND THE YEAR (Please call us for further details)
- Course Fee: Rs.24,000/= payable in advance in two equal instalments
First instalment Rs. 12,000 - Beginning of January,
Second instalment Rs. 12,000 - Beginning of July
- Eligibility: All bonafide citizens are welcome.
Every Saturday 3 pm - 5 pm
The concept of teaching both generations together is epic. The more interaction is taking place, the more understanding develops.